Nov 07 2011

Bookmark: Wong Wai Yin

by The Contributing Artist

For Bookmark, ArtAsiaPacific invites an artist to spotlight some of their online sources of inspiration and interest. This week we asked Wong Wai Yin.

Through her papier-mache models of everyday objects, paintings and installations of found objects in serendipitous relationships, Wong Wai Yin quietly questions the status quo, in a personal and creative resistance. For her recent residency at Asia Art Archive, Wong took on the role of researcher, setting up a make-shift office in the library to start an alternative archive of Hong Kong art. Find more on the conceptual practice of this young Hong Kong artist in ArtAsiaPacific 76.

1. Hong Kong Activism

My activist younger brother works as an editor for this independent media company, which means I can always know a better side of Hong Kong, than what the mainstream media shows.

3. Global Conflict Map

I first checked out this site because of the news about Somalia – I didn’t even know where the country was. I am definitely not an expert on world politics. I was just so horrified because of this map design. I had a feeling that someone above the sky looks at our world like this too.

5. Taobao.com

This is “mainland China eBay.” All the materials that one can imagine—and even some one can’t—can be found here. But it’s also the most user-unfriendly site I have ever used.

2. Contemporary Art Daily

When I was a student, I really found this site amazing. The art is like objects from another world. Of course I still do find it amazing sometimes, but it reminds me that contemporary art is always more interesting when you are not in the scene. 

4. Hong Kong Land Registry

This is not a joke: I started searching to see if there’s some land or property I would be able to buy. I just want to have a studio without suffering from the increasing rents in Hong Kong. What’s wrong with making one’s own career sustainable? Having a space is just so basic for an artist. I can’t contain my anger towards the government’s land policy.