Future Markets

Also available in:  Chinese

International gallerists speculate on buying, selling and distributing art in 2050.

Photographs by Esther Chan, with assistance from Ysabelle Cheung and Christie Wong

Texts and drawings courtesy of (clockwise from left): 

Hidenori Ota, Ota Fine Arts; Bo Young Song, Kukje Gallery; Sullivan+Strumpf; Friedrich Petzel, Petzel Gallery; Stephanie Fong, Fost Gallery; Edouard Malingue, Edouard Malingue Gallery.

Texts and drawings courtesy of (clockwise from top right): 

Fabio Rossi, Rossi & Rossi; Rachel Rillo, Silverlens; Qu Keijie, Magician Space; Taka Ishii, Taka Ishii Gallery; Laksamana “Junior” Tirtadji, ROH Projects.

Texts and drawings courtesy of (clockwise from bottom right): 

Pei-Yu Lin, Project Fulfill Art Space; Massimo de Carlo, Massimo de Carlo gallery; Tsong-zung Chang, Hanart TZ gallery; Lorenz Helbling, ShanghArt; Moiz Zilberman, Zilberman Gallery; Stephen Cheng, Empty Gallery; Hormoz Hematian, Dastan Gallery.

Texts and drawings courtesy of (clockwise from bottom right):

Sunny Rahbar, The Third Line; Josh Milani, Milani Gallery; Emma Son, Gallery EM and Lehmann Maupin; Andre Lee, Mind Set Art Center; Leng Lin, Beijing Commune and Pace Gallery; Emmanuel Perrotin, Perrotin; Pascal de Sarthe, de Sarthe.

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