Mar 20 2018

Asia Pacific Triennial Releases First Roster of Participating Artists for 2018 Edition

by Sophie von Wunster

JONATHAN JONES, Lumination Fall Wall Weave, 2016, electrical cable, light fittings and bulbs on painted MDF board, dimensions variable. Courtesy the artist and Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane.

On March 20, the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA) released the first roster of artists participating in the ninth edition of the Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art. The list comprises 21 practitioners from Asia, the Pacific and Australia, who work with a range of media.

The exhibition, slated to open at QAGOMA on November 24, 2018, will feature more than 80 artists and artist groups in total, collectively representing over 30 countries.

Chris Saines, director of QAGOMA, also revealed the specially commissioned Women’s Wealth Project, which will involve more than 30 female artists from the Autonomous Region of Bougainville and the nearby Solomon Islands archipelago. Taloi Havini, for example, will present an immersive, multi-channel video installation as part of the project.

The triennial will be discursive of a range of topics, from spirituality, to labor, the body, and the environment.

AISHA KHALID, Your Way Begins On the Other Side (detail), 2014, gold plated steel pins and fabric, dimensions variable. Courtesy the artist and Aga Khan Museum, Toronto.
AISHA KHALID, Your Way Begins On the Other Side (detail), 2014, gold plated steel pins and fabric, dimensions variable. Courtesy the artist and Aga Khan Museum, Toronto.

Among the first list of artists, Sydney-based Jonathan Jones is a member of the Wiradjuri and Kamilaroi peoples of southeast Australia. His works, which span media such as printmaking and sculpture, aim to investigate cultural and historical relationships from an indigenous point of view. Lahore-born Aisha Khalid is known for her geometric patterning and botanical studies, focusing on diverse matters such as gender, aesthetics, the role of women, and the power dynamics between East and West. Brooklyn-based Iranian artist Iman Raad, on the other hand, reflects on humankind’s anxieties about existence. Raad will present a mural installation.

The first group of participating artists include:

Zico Albaiquni

Martha Atienza

Lola Greeno

Joyce Ho

Kathy Jetñil-Kijiner

Jonathan Jones

Aisha Khalid

Kim Beom

Meiro Koizumi

Anne Noble

Pangrok Sulap

Iman Raad

Lisa Reihana

Hassan Sharif

Tcheu Siong

Ayesha Sultana

Latai Taumoepeau

Munem Wasif

Boedi Widjaja

Pannaphan Yodmanee

Zheng Guogu 

Sophie von Wunster is an editorial intern at ArtAsiaPacific.

The ninth Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art will be on view at the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane, from November 24, 2018, to April 28, 2019. 

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